Disclosure Log
 Request Type: 

Number of Staff Employed by SFRS


We are collecting information about the number of staff employed by fire and rescue services. Below is the information we would like to obtain from you under the Freedom of Information Act. Specifically, we would like to know how many (a) wholetime firefighter, (b) retained firefighter, (c) fire control room, (d) support staff and (e) total staff there were employed in your Fire and Rescue Service, measured by headcount, on 31 March 2023 and 31 March 2024. We also request the (f) number of wholetime firefighters employed by your fire and rescue service as of 31 March 2023 and 31 March 2024 (headcount) that also work a retained contract, and therefore could be described as “wholetime-retained”. To clarify, we only request the number of wholetime firefighters with an additional retained contract – we are not asking whether it is with your own or another fire and rescue service. We would appreciate a table for the respective years detailing the data in the following format: 1) How many people were employed by the fire and rescue service (headcount) in the following roles on 31 March 2023: Headcount Wholetime Retained Control Support Total Wholetime-retained 2) How many people were employed by the fire and rescue service (headcount) in the following roles on 31 March 2024: Headcount Wholetime Retained Control Support Total Wholetime-retained

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EDI Training


I am seeking information relating to the costs of Equality and Diversity Training within the in the 2022 Financial Year. A list of all official equality, diversity and inclusion events held by Civil Servants in the Department from 1 July 2023-31st December 2023. For these events, please put the date and time scheduled and for how long.

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Bariatric Patients


• How many callouts has the service attended for a plus size patient either in an evacuation process or to assist them with movement in their home or hospital between 1st January to 31st December in 2022 and January 1st to 31st December 2023? • For callouts involving plus-size patients, how many vehicles attend the scene? • In instances of callouts to plus-size patients, how many staff members are typically present on a vehicle? • If a callout to a plus-size patient occurs, who covers the watch during that time? • In the period of Jan to Dec 2022 and Jan to Dec 2023, did any members of staff go off from work injured due to moving a plus-size patient, if so, how many? • If a callout to assist in moving a plus-size patient happens, who is responsible for covering the associated service costs? • Does your service have equipment to facilitate and support moving a plus-size patient? • Has your service seen an increase in activity for supporting Plus-size patients? • Does your service believe there is a growing need for a service to facilitate moving plus-size patients

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Stonewall Diversity Champion


1. Is your force is a current member of the Stonewall Diversity Champions scheme? 2. Is your force a current member of the Stonewall Workplace Equality scheme? If so, please provide a copy of the most recent employer feedback report. An example published under FOI can be found here. https://www.uhnm.nhs.uk/media/7336/20220803-foi-ref-244-2223-2-of-4.pdf 3. How much has your force paid to Stonewall for membership of these schemes in the past five years?

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Service Fleet, Refuelling & Annual Mileage


Under the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request the following information: 1. How many vehicles do you have across the whole fleet (please provide data for the past 3 years)? 2. Please break down vehicles in Q1 by vehicle type (i.e. make / model) 3. Please break down vehicles in Q1 by fuel type (i.e. petrol / diesel / hybrid / full electric) 4. How much do you spend annually on refuelling costs for vehicles in Q1 (please provide data for the past 3 years)? 5. What is the average annual mileage per vehicle for vehicles in Q1? 6. Do you have (and if yes, how many) electric vehicle chargers at your vehicle fleet base/HQ?

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Electric Bus Fire Incidents


I am writing to make a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act. Please could you inform me of the numbers of incidents your brigade has attended for fires on: 1. electric buses (where the battery was believed to be the cause of the fire)? 2. hybrid-powered buses (those with duel power; electric and usually diesel or petrol where the battery or hybrid power supply was believed to be the cause of the fire)? If you could break that down for the (financial or calendar) years for 2023, 2022 and 2021, if that data is available. If there have been any such incidents this year (2024), I would also like to receive that. 3) Based on the assumption that such incidents are relatively low, can you provide details of each incident, including perhaps the when, where, owner of the vehicle (i.e. is it a public transport bus, minibus, schoolbus, double-decker, single-decker etc) and any other recorded particulars about the nature of the fire i.e. was the fire localised to the battery, did it spread, was the vehicle burnt out, were any other vehicles of buildings ignited, how many appliances and firefighters were in attendance, how long did it take to extinguish the fire/make it safe and were there reports of any injuries? 4) Again, based on the assumption that such incidents are infrequent, was the fire service ever required to write a report on any of the incidents. If so, could I have a copy of any such reports? I accept that may involve some redactions.

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Police Dog Welfare Scheme


I wish to make a F.O.I. request regarding the Staffs Police Dog Welfare Scheme. In the light that the now said scheme is now run totally by females, and I include the administrive staff as well, I wish to ask, have any males applied to join this scheme, since it's inception? If so, how many if any, and how many if any, reached the interview stage? And will the Commissioner's Office, be considering broadening it's gender base, to rectify this?.

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Department Structures


Full structure, breakdown and total headcount of the following departments: • Procurement • Health & Safety • Communications Total agency recruitment spend in the following departments: • Procurement • Health & Safety • Communications

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Spends over £500 2019-2024


I would be very grateful if you would provide me with answers on the Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service spends over £500 between 2019 - 2024 as follow; Company/supplier name, Supplier Type, Date Paid, Amount, Invoice Date, Expense Area, Cost Centre Description and the Expense Type.

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Electric Fire Incidents (Electric; Busses, Scooters, Cars)


I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information from the Fire Authority. Please may you provide me with: 1. How many fires linked to lithium ion batteries did you record in 2022? 2. How many fires linked to lithium ion batteries did you record in 2023? 3. How many fires involved an electric bike did you record in 2022? And in 2023? 4. How many fires involving an electric scooter did you record in 2022? And in 2023? 5. How many fires involving an electric car did you record in 2022? And in 2023? 6. How many fires involving an electric truck did you record in 2022? And in 2023? 7. How many fires involving an electric bus/ coach did you record in 2022? And in 2023?

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Prohibition & Enforcement Notices to NHS Trusts


Hi, Can I please make a Freedom of Information request for the following information. 1. A list of all prohibition notices issued to NHS trusts since 2020. For each, can you please list the site in question, a brief description of the issue, and whether the notice has since been lifted or is ongoing. 2. A list of all enforcement notices issued to NHS trusts since 2020. For each, can you please list the site in question, a brief description of the issue, and whether the notice has since been lifted or is ongoing. I have attached a spreadsheet to fill in. Please let me know if any clarification or refinement is required. Otherwise I look forward to a response within the statutory 20 working days. Best, Zoe Tidman

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Lithium Battery Fires


I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information from Staffordshire Fire and Rescue. Please may you provide me with the following data: • Number of lithium battery fires attended over the last 5 years (please include data for 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, so far in 2024) a) Of these how many were the result of an e-bike? (please include data for 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, so far in 2024) b) Of these how many were the result of an e-scooter? (please include data for 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, so far in 2024) • Number of people who have died in a fire involving a lithium battery over the last 5 years? (please include data for 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, so far in 2024) a) Of these how many were the result of an e-bike? (please include data for 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, so far in 2024) b) Of these how many were the result of an e-scooter? (please include data for 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, so far in 2024) • Number of people seriously injured in a fire involving a lithium battery over the last 5 years? (please include data for 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, so far in 2024) a) Of these how many were the result of an e-bike? (please include data for 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, so far in 2024) b) Of these how many were the result of an e-scooter? (please include data for 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, so far in 2024)

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Lithium-ion batteries


I am writing this email to request figures on the number of fires which occurred in a domestic premise caused by lithium-ion batteries (Only E-bikes and E-Scooters) over the last five years, as well as the data regarding if any members of the public who have sustain any sort of injury as a result of this.

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Vehicle Insurance & Fuel Spend


Can I ask what was your authority's annual spend on all insurance to insure all authority vehicles for the following years: a) 2018/19, b) 2019/20, c) 2020/21, d) 2021/22, e) 2022/23? 2. What is the authority's projected spending on insurance for authority vehicles for the financial year 2023/24? 3. What is the authority's annual spend on all fuel to fill up authority vehicles for the following years: a) 2018/19, b) 2019/20, c) 2020/21, d) 2021/22, e) 2022/23? 4. What is the authority's projected spending on fuel costs for authority vehicles for the financial year 2023/24?

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Fires in Buildings & Listed Buildings 2019-2023


I am writing to make a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Will you please provide me with: 4. A list of all of names and addresses of all the listed buildings in your covered area that have had fires in the past five years 5. The number of listed buildings in your covered area that have had fires each year for the last five years 6. The number of fires in any buildings, listed or not listed, that have occurred in your covered area over the last five years

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Flooding Incidents caused by Severe Weather


Can I please request, in the form of a spreadsheet such as Excel or CSV file, information on flooding incidents attended by the fire and rescue service. I would like the information to be in relation to flooding incidents caused only by severe weather (heavy rainfall). 1. I would like the total number of flooding incidents recorded by the fire and rescue service, broken down by month, for the calendar years 2013 to 16 January 2024 2. In a separate tab I would like details of each flooding incident. Please include: Date of incident Time of day incident reported Incident duration (minutes) Location (please include longitude and latitude and local authority if available) Total number of buildings affected Total number of dwellings affected Total number of firefighters injured, seriously injured or killed

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Incidents, People Living with Dementia


Could you please provide the following information? 1) Number of fire incidents attended by your service involving people living with dementia in the years 2023, 2022, and 2021 2) The above broken down into actual fire incidents and false alarms 3) Number of deaths from fire related incidents for people living with dementia 2023, 2022, and 2021 I am also interested in any strategy or policies you have around dementia and would be grateful if you could share any of these with me.

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Unconscious Bias Training for Personnel


Please advise: 1. The total spending by your organisation on unconscious bias training for your staff in the financial year 2022/23. 2. The number of your staff that undertook unconscious bias training in the financial year 2022/23.

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Car Fires within Multi-Storey Car Parks


I am conducting research into the number of car fires that Staffordshire Fire & Rescue Service attended between the years 01 January 1995 – 31 December 2023 (inclusive). I have particular interest in those fires occurring within multi-storey car parks. I would be grateful if the information could show: • The type of fuel in the vehicle of origin (e.g., petrol, diesel, Hybrid or electric) • The number of cars affected by such fire in each year • The number of fires that resulted in, and the degree of, injury in each year • Any reports following investigation into those fires.

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Vehicle Fleet List


Can you please send me an up to date copy of the vehicle fleet list which includes the Stations, Reg No, Model also are there new builds on order? Please send a hardcopy.

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Appliance Availability (Newcastle) 3 Riders


Dear Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service, Please can you detail the following statistics from January 2020 to March 1st 2024 (i)The month by month monthly average availability for the two separate fire engines at Newcastle community fire station. * (ii)The month by month monthly average attendance time to incidents for the two separate fire engines at Newcastle community fire station. * *where the availability criteria has changed owing to your introduction of a 3 person crewing model, please annotate this twice in the figures - firstly showing a full structural crew and a separate record if available with 3 riders under the purview of your new policy criteria.

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Electrical Fires


I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act, can you please provide the following: 1. How many electrical fires has the service responded to in the last three years (between April 6-April 5 2021/22, 2022/23 and 2023/24) ? 1a) Of these, how many incidents were in domestic properties and how many commercial? Broken down by year. 1b) Of these incidents, how many were caused by electrical products? What were the other causes? 1c) What were the 5 most common products to cause electrical fires for each year? 2. How many fatalities has the service recorded as a result of electrical fires in the last three years (between April 6-April 5 2021/22, 2022/23 and 2023/24) ? 2a) How many injuries (serious and slight) has the service recorded as a result of electrical fires during the same period? Can this be presented in PDF format?

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Warehouse Fires


Under Freedom of Information Act, I would be very grateful if you could provide the following information relating to fires: 1. Warehouse fires: We are interested in the number of fire incidents in warehouses. a. How many fires in warehouses have you attended in the last three calendar years (2024 - to date, 2023, 2022, 2021)? b. Per year, please breakdown the above by the following: c. Extent of damage d. Cause of fire 2. Fires in Schools: I am seeking to understand how many schools have been impacted by fires and whether sprinklers were present. 1. How many fires at schools have you attended in the last five full years (2023 to 2019 or nearest period, if not available). If possible, please provide a breakdown per year of: a. of the school fires you attended in this period, how many had sprinklers fitted? b. Please provide a breakdown of the causes of fire by year. c. For each year, please also provide a breakdown of the type of school (e.g. primary, secondary), any injuries or deaths, the extent of damage to school, age of school, how many of the schools at the time the fire broke out had received a low, medium or high fire risk assessment (or alternative classification if used), how many school fire risk assessments have you carried out in the last five full years (2023 to 2019 or nearest period, if not available) and if possible, please provide a breakdown of the outcomes e.g. low, medium, high risk 3. I would be very grateful if you could provide figures relating to fires caused by disposable e-cigarettes and vapes. I appreciate this may not be a category you record. It would be great if you could perform a free text search on "vape" and "e-cigarette" together with any other terms you think relevant. Please could you provide the information, split by the years 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024 (to date) If possible, please can we an an excel spreadsheet for the above requests.

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SFRS Asset Register & Land Owned


Please advise: 1. The estimated total number of acres of land that you own. 2. The estimated total number of acres that you own which are not in operational use. 3. The annual spending on managing and maintaining your property estate in the financial year 2022/23. Please provide a breakdown. 4. The number of empty homes you currently own. 5. The number of empty buildings you currently own that are not homes. Please provide a copy of your asset register.

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Mercedes-Benz Service Fleet


I would be grateful if you could provide me with the following information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000: 1. Full list (including models) of Mercedes-Benz all-terrain vehicles and trucks you have purchased, hired or leased (including Unimogs). 2. (if leased/hired) Lease/hire start date & end date. 3. Name of service provider for any Mercadez-Benz Vehicles you have purchased, hired or leased. 4. (If owned) year purchased and when are you looking to renew your fleet of Mercedez-Benz models? 5. Contact details for the person(s) responsible for managing the fleet of Mercedez Benz all terrain and truck vehicles, including name, job title, contact number and email address

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Lithium Battery Fires (E-Bikes & E-Scooters)


I’m getting in touch to find out if it is possible to get the following information below please: How many fires caused by lithium batteries on E-bikes or E-Scooters has your fire brigade been called to? How many people have been injured at a fire caused by lithium batteries on E-bikes or E-Scooters. How many accidental deaths have been caused by fires caused by lithium batteries attended to by your fire brigade? Are you able to provide the information above between the years 2020 and 2024 please via email.

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Annual Payments to Law Firm by SFRS


Please disclose the total annual payment(s) made to law firm Bevan Brittan by Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service, or by the office of the Police Commissioner / joint corporate services for work undertaken on behalf of Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service, for the following fiscal years: 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Whilst you may contend that some of the information (for previous years) has been provided previously, I note that one of the years was not a complete year, and on another response the amounts were inconsistent with previous disclosures. Therefore the full fiscal year disclosures for the above are required

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Fires in Buildings under Construction


If you would be so kind to send me Fires in buildings under construction stats for 2021/2022

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Turnouts for Stations


I am writing in hope you can provide me with the number of turnouts each individual station and appliance did whilst booked Home Station from 01/01/23 - 31/12/23 in the format displayed below! Hanley: HAN1 - 1395 HAN2 -

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Payments to Stonewall Equality Ltd


1. What payments, if any, you made to Stonewall (officially Stonewall Equality Limited) in the financial year 2022/23. 2. What payments, if any, you made to Stonewall (officially Stonewall Equality Limited) in the financial year 2023/24. 3. What payments, if any, you expect to make to Stonewall (officially Stonewall Equality Limited) in the current financial year.

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Cannock Unimog Appliance


What incidents does the Cannock Unimog attend, is it just animal rescue?

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Gas & Electricity Consumption & Values


We formally request under the FOI 2000 regulations Act and EIR 2004 regulations Act data you hold, and which is already or will be in the public domain. We thank you for last year’s response and inclusion within our report and now look forward to seeing your inclusion again within our new report. For the period 1-April-23 to 31-March 2024, we please require disclosure of: - • The grid Electricity kwh’s consumed & the £-value spent (excl-vat). • The natural Gas kwh’s consumed & the £-value spent (excl-vat).

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Fire Fatalities 2019-2024


Please could you provide the following information under the Freedom of Information Act. 1. Total number of fire fatalities for each of the years from 2019 until 2024, split into risk groups, specifying which groups, eg. Hoarding behaviours; inappropriate smoking; people under the influence of alcohol; people who used emollient creams; people who lived alone; ex military. Please provide your response broken down by year. 2. For each of the years from 2019 until 2024, for the 31st March in each year. please provide the number of properties / premises in your area with a Clutter Image Rating (CIR) of 6 or above.

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Wholetime Firefighters - Gender


I am writing to make a request for all the information to which I am entitled under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Could you please supply me with the following information concerning firefighter recruitment, as outlined below. How many females applied to be wholetime firefighters in 2023? How many males applied to be wholetime firefighters in 2023? How many female firefighters were successful in becoming wholetime firefighters in 2023 after the recruitment process? How many male firefighters were successful in becoming wholetime firefighters in 2023 after the recruitment process? I would like the above information to be provided to me electronically if possible If this request is too wide or unclear, I would be grateful if you could contact me on 07591681063 or by email at rwatson4@sheffield.ac.uk as I understand that under the Act, you are required to advise and assist requesters. If any of this information is already in the public domain, please can you direct me to it, with page references and URLs if necessary. If it is not possible to provide the information requested due to the information exceeding the cost of compliance limits identified in Section 12, please provide advice and assistance, under the Section 16 obligations of the Act, as to how I can refine my request.

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Vehicle Accidents - Failure to wear seatbelt


Please can you disclose, preferably by PDF, the vehicle accidents the Fire & Rescue Service has attended in the last year (May 2023-April 2024) in which failure to wear a seat belt was involved.

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Electricity & Solar Incidents


Attached to this email are seven short questions, which we hope will be relatively straightforward for you to reply to – if there are any difficulties, or differences in how you record information, please just share what you can or let me know and we can adjust accordingly. Furthermore, the first four questions are particularly important for our work, so please prioritise these if possible. I hope this makes sense, and we greatly appreciate your help with this.

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E-Bikes & E-Scooter Incidents


Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information: • The number of house fires in your area involving and/or caused by an e-scooter incident in 2020 • The number of house fires in your area involving and/or caused by an e-scooter incident in 2021 • The number of house fires in your area involving and/or caused by an e-scooter incident in 2022 • The number of house fires in your area involving and/or caused by an e-scooter incident in 2023 Additionally, and only if this is categorised separately, can we also request the following: • The number of house fires in your area involving and/or caused by an e-bike incident in 2020 • The number of house fires in your area involving and/or caused by an e-bike incident in 2021 • The number of house fires in your area involving and/or caused by an e-bike incident in 2022 • The number of house fires in your area involving and/or caused by an e-bike incident in 2023 If it is not possible to provide the information requested due to the information exceeding the cost of compliance limits identified in Section 12, please provide advice and assistance, under your Section 16 obligations, as to how I can refine my request to be included in the scope of the Act. In any case, if you can identify ways that my request could be refined please provide further advice and assistance to indicate this. I look forward to your response within 20 working days, as stipulated by the Act.

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Major Incident Policy & Procedure


I would like a copy of the Major incident guide, or a document including the following, - How a Major Incident is declared. - What follows in terms of scaling up the incident in order to meet the requirements of declaring it a Major Incident. - What calls become a Major Incident. The following information is necessary as part of my current studies into Disaster Management/Incident Response.

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E-Bikes & E-Scooter Incidents


I’m writing with a Freedom of Information Request regarding E-Bike fires. Between January 2022 and January 2023, how many fires relating to E-Bikes was the service called out to? Between January 2023 and January 2024, how many fires relating to E-Bikes was the service called out to? Of these call outs, how many related to serious injury? Of these call outs, how many led to a fatality?

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Fire Fatality Statistics - Over 65's


Given our ongoing efforts to improve fire safety standards and protect vulnerable populations, we are keen to obtain similar statistics for our own county, Staffordshire. Specifically, we would like to request the following information: 1. The total number of fire-related fatalities in Staffordshire for the year 2022/2023. 2. The number of these fatalities that involved individuals aged 65 and over. 3. The most recent statistics for the current year (2023/2024), including the total number of fire-related fatalities and the number involving individuals aged 65 and over. Having access to this data will greatly assist us in tailoring our fire safety initiatives to better protect the elderly community within Staffordshire. Thank you for your attention to this matter. We look forward to your prompt response.

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Health and Safety Annual Report for 2023/24


- Total No. of uniformed employees as at 1 April 2023 - Total No. of non-uniformed employees as at 1 April 2023 - Total No of Near Misses 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024 - Total number of accident/injuries (including RIDDOR but not Covid) 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024 - Number of injuries (not RIDDOR reportable) 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024 - Number of injuries (RIDDOR reportable but not Covid related) 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024 - No of operational incidents 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024 - Total number of vehicle accidents reported in relation to service vehicles 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024 - Number associated with attendance at incidents 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024

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Live in Property Guardian Scheme


Do you have a database for buildings, that are currently occupied by people, under the live in property guardian scheme?

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Station and Appliance Turnout (Apr - Jun 24)


I am writing in hope you can provide me with the number of mobilisations excluding standbys each individual station and appliance has received from 01/01/24 - 15/6/24 in the format displayed below! Longton: LTN1 - 1395 LTN2 - 683 LTN4 - 494 LTNRT - 90

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Film and TV Filming


Under the Freedom of Information Act, for the tax years 2014/15 to 2022/23 inclusive, please would you please fully disclose the following details, breaking the figures by year: 1. How much revenue has been received by your organisation for services rendered to film and television productions? This could include location rental, permits and all other services related to film productions using your personnel or resources. 2. Please outline the type of work or service rendered, in each case and disclose the revenue received for each type of service. 3. How much has your organisation spent on facilitating such arrangements between 2014/15 to 2022/23, inclusive, broken down by year?

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Estate: Site Plans, RA's and Surveys


I would be most grateful if you would provide me with, under the Freedom of Information Act, the following information regarding your estate. 1) When did you last undertake a condition survey of your estate? 2) Do you carry out fire risk assessments internally or via an external service provider? 3) Are your estate site plans current and accurate? 4) Do your estate site plans detail fire compartmentation lines? 5) Do you retain an up-to-date list of maintainable M&E assets?

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Pride Events


RE: Request under the Freedom of Information Act (2000) This is an information request relating to Pride Month 2024. Please include the following information: • Whether any events have been organised for Pride month. If so please provide the date, start and end time, and title/topic of the event • Whether any LGBT themed merchandise has been purchased for Pride month. i.e. since the beginning of the 2024/25 financial year. If so please provide me with information on what has been purchased and the cost • Whether the organisation have sponsored any Pride events. If so which events and please provide details of the nature of the sponsorship (particularly the financial value) If it is not possible to provide the information requested due to the information exceeding the cost of compliance limits identified in Section 12, please provide advice and assistance, under the Section 16 obligations of the Act, as to how I can refine my request. If you have any queries please don’t hesitate to contact me via email or phone and I will be very happy to clarify what I am asking for.

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Assault against Firefighters


Please could I have the following information: 1. How many assaults against firefighters were recorded in each of the last five years, 2019/2020/2021/2022/2023. 2. Could I have a geographic breakdown of where the assaults occurred. 3. Could I have a brief description of the nature of the assault.

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Printer and Reprographic Contracts


1. Number of MFDs (Multi-functional devices) & photocopiers at Staffordshire Fire & Rescue Service (SFRS) 2. Name of incumbent 3. Start/end date of contract (if expired, WHEN do you expect to revisit the marketplace) 4. Details of any extension options 5. What framework / Route to market used 6. Number of regular/desktop printers (in addition to above) 7. Is there a support contract on above, if yes please state start/end date 8. Does SFRS have a Print Room 9. If yes, name of supplier, number of devices and start/end date of contract, also details of any extension options 10. Total annual print/copy volumes including, if applicable your Print Room, for (a) mono (b) colour 11. What Print software does SFRS run 12. Your total annual spend on print 13. Name of person responsible for print SFRS

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Firfighter Availabilty Software


I would like to know: 1. Who is Staffordshire FRS's current provider of firefighter availability planning software? e.g. Gartan, Firewatch, FireServiceRota (On-call and Wholetime if different please) 2. When the contract (s) expire or are due for renewal?

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Device Management


I am emailing you to find out details about your mobile device estate and who is the correct person to contact about the device management. Who is the IT and Digital officer / Device procurement manager who manages the mobile devices in your estate? Can you supply full contact details? How many mobile devices are currently in use? What type of mobile devices are being used: manufacturer and model? How are these mobile devices being repaired?

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Rosenbauer Rescue Pump - New Stafford Appliance


Could you inform myself when will new Rosenbauer rescue pumps will be on station  at Stafford? Also does the appliance have separate light bar type warning lights?

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BACS Payment software


I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information from your organisation. Please may you provide me with: 1. What software you are currently using to facilitate BACS payments & what is the date of the renewal for this contract? 2. How much you are paying annually for this contract, and where do you advertise for this tender? This is to identify tender opportunities, please provide the information in the form of an email. If it is not possible to provide the information requested due to the information exceeding the cost of compliance limits identified in Section 12, please provide advice and assistance, under the Section 16 obligations of the Act, as to how I can refine my request. If you can identify any ways that my request could be refined, I would be grateful for any further advice and assistance. If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact me via email or phone and I will be very happy to clarify what I am asking for and discuss the request, my details are outlined below. Thank you for your time and I look forward to your response.

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Breakdown of Staff Employment


How many staff does your organisation employ, with a split of operational (front line) versus non-operational? Between 1st July 2019 and 30th June 2024, how many staff have died by suicide? What percentage were on shift at the time or within the 12 hours prior? What is the breakdown for operational versus non-operational staff? Between 1st July 2019 and 30th June 2024, how many staff who have left your service (and not moved to another front line service) have died by suicide? Between 1st July 2019 and 30th June 2024, how many grievances have been submitted? What percentage were associated with workplace bullying?

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Bariatric Incidents & Costs to Service


Please can I be provided with the following information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000: - How many bariatric cases have your firefighters attended in the following years? By this I mean when firefighters are called for bariatric assistance by emergency services- coming to the aid of people who are otherwise unable to leave their homes due to serious obesity. - 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 (as of receive of this email) - For how many of these incidents were more than four vehicles required to attend? Please break this down by year. - What was the cost to the fire service of attending these cases? - Please break down cost by year 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024 (so far). If you cannot provide the data by annual year then please provide it by financial year. Any questions or clarifications let me know.

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